Podcast #28: Founding Leaders of New Earth (Part 6/6)

You are here NOW as the Creator.  You are the Creator in Action.  And so through each of you, you will be taking part in creating this all-new.  And in some cases, this will mean the creation of physical structures that you will be creating through you, not in ways that you have been accustomed to in your 3rd dimensional state of consciousness.  

Welcome back to the final podcast in the Founding Leader series.  Wow!  This is a big one.  As I read the transcript and re-listened to the audio, I was reminded of how nervous I was to share this with the small group at the time.  It felt too big!  I thought my friends would think I was crazy. But I’ve since learned that my insecurities had nothing to do with them.  It was actually me doubting the bigness of all of this.

Fast forward a few months and I have felt and experienced the magic that we are being led toward (and I’ve only scratched the surface).  I’m watching the early beginnings of New Earth community(s) hitting the imaginations of people around me.  I’m seeing people exploring new gifts and talents.  And the world’s current events are giving us some time away from people and opinions and go deep within to explore our own dreams and possibilities for the world.   While these messages were recorded six months ago, they feel even more relevant now.  Perhaps the timing was all divinely orchestrated.

Thank you for being a part of the Founding Leader series.  We’re truly just getting started.  I sense much of the channeled information from this point forward will be about new ways of community and living as that is a part of my Soul’s journey too.

If being a part of creating a New Earth community(s) strikes passion within you, please reach out.  I would love to connect with you.  Feels timely that we all begin to come together.

Let’s begin and lets share messages with all of you today as we welcome and bring in this most incredible time on your planet.  And you have been with us long enough to know, to hear that.  What you are stepping into is SEEING that.  It is seeing that.  And you are soon stepping into that.  We are sending you this message on this very important day.  On 10-10.  A very high energetic day when many energies are being disbursed to the planet.  Some may call these portals that are opening up.  Timelines that are advancing.  There is so much that is happening on your planet. 

You will receive this message exactly when you are intended to receive it.  We will tell you that the time you are in right now, you are a part of a physical manifestation.  You are a part of New Earth.  You are a part of seeing New Earth.  You are a part of birthing this New creation.  This is unlike anything that has happened before.  We will simply tell you that what you are about to be a part of will be the proof for you that you are in fact, entering into a new space.  A new higher level of consciousness.  And a higher reality.  You are a part of that.  And this is the proof.  This is many lifetimes in the making to be able to raise the consciousness of this planet enough to where you can begin to see the physical manifestations of Heaven on Earth.  Some even call this Heaven being lowered down to Earth.  We would say it’s actually Earth ascending up to meet the Heavens.  And you begin to merge.  That is what is happening right now.  And you will be a part of one of those New Earth physical manifestations. There will be many.  But you will be a part of one that will continue to grow and to grow and to grow.  And that will be the start of this New Earth community that you all are a part of.  That you all are leaders and a part of. That will continue to grow and to grow and to grow and it will be an all-new way of thinking.  It will be an all-new way of being.  And it will be an all-new way of living.  


Everything will be different within this space.  It will happen in phases, if you will.  You will see phases of this be integrated.  That is very much a part of this process.  As you are perhaps already seeing in your personal life, there is always an integration before you step into the next biggest thing.  And so this community is the integration.  It is you applying.  You integrating. You birthing the New Earth through you.  And as you’re expanding, you’re going to be bringing in more creations.  You are here NOW as the Creator.  You are the Creator in Action.  And so through each of you, you will be taking part in creating this all-new.  And in some cases, this will mean the creation of physical structures that you will be creating through you, not in ways that you have been accustomed to in your 3rd dimensional state of consciousness.  


We would invite you to begin to think about what would it look like if you were in Heaven? If you were in Heaven and you wanted to birth something into heaven that would serve on a much larger scale?  How do you foresee that would happen?  What would it be like in heaven if you were the Creator in heaven?  We invite you to play in your imagination with that.  Wouldn’t you find that it’s so much easier?  Wouldn’t you find that you begin to work with new ways of creation?  You wouldn’t go through the dense, heavier ways of bringing creations into form.  It wouldn’t be like that.  


And so we would just simply invite you to expand your mind of what is possible.  Of what you think is possible. Expand it! And in many cases, that’s going to mean unlearning everything you thought you knew about how to bring creations into the world.  But we remind you, you are not bringing them into a 3rd dimensional state of consciousness and awareness.  This is a 5th dimensional state of consciousness and awareness that you are creating in.  


And how do you want to make sure that you are in that space more and more and more?  We know that you have each felt those moments in your recent past where you are so, you feel the high vibration in your body.  You are so full of life.  And you are so full of love.  You are so full of excitement.  You are so full of a knowing of what is coming and what you are a part of.  And maybe you can’t see it but there is something in your body that is telling you that you are here and a part of something much greater.  When you feel that, you are swimming in a 5D state of consciousness and awareness.  That is when you begin to embody your God Spark.  That is when you begin to embody your Soul.  Your Soul is the Heaven.  You’re letting more and more of that begin to shape your reality.  


Some of you are already beginning to see this.  As you are embodying your God Spark, your Soul, you are feeling that you are now becoming multi-dimensional.  You are feeling aspects of you.  You are feeing skills and talents begin to be a part of you that you never knew were even possible in your experience.  That are now becoming so easy for you.  You are now finding all of that.  It is incredible!  You are beginning to find that you are operating a bit out of time and space.  Everything is speeding up quite a bit and you are going much deeper into your own personal experience.  But most importantly, you are beginning to have a shift in perspective of what you believe is possible for your life and the lives of humanity.  That is you ascending up.  You are ascending up into the Heavens and everything is changing as you are doing that.  Your inner world is changing which means your outer world is soon going to begin to follow suit.  


And so what you are a part of right now is beginning to see a piece of that outer world manifested in your reality for your eyes to see.  For your senses to experience fully.  You are beginning to merge.  You are merging your heart and your mind.  And this New Earth manifestation is the blending of that.  


You are stepping into a new way of living.  We will tell you that this creation will also sere as the affirmation to so many that have been on this path for so long.  And they have been patiently holding the vision of New Earth.  Holding the vision for an enlightened humanity.  Holding the vision for this 5th dimensional state of awareness and consciousness.  They knew their role in the world and they have so patiently held the vision and they knew that now would be the time.  And all across the planet, we will begin to see the reality change.  New Earth is no longer out there.  It is no longer something that we are talking about to happen in the future.  It is here.  It is now.  You are on it.  You are a part of it.  It is with in you.  The new earth that we speak of is within you.  There is no searching outside of you for it.  It is within you.  And so through your eyes you will now begin to see it.  


You have had this come up in your awareness and it is wonderful wisdom that you have to believe it to see it.  You have to believe it to see it.  Many think they have to see it to believe it.  And that is your human mind.  But it is through your heart and you believing it that you will begin to see it.  And so we would invite each of you to sit with the questions, “Do you believe in magic?”  Do you believe in magic?  


Because the magic is within you.  It is the God Spark within you that creates the magic  and the miracles in your life.  It is not the God out there.  It is the God within that is creating the magic and the miracles.  Can you step into your worthiness that that is you?  That YOU are the magic?  And when you begin to see your New Earth creation in physical form we want you to know that it is YOU who were a part of creating that.  You are the magic that created that.  And you are the magic that is bringing it into physical form for your eyes to see.  


We have so much more to share with you.  We thank you.  We thank you as the Galactic Human that you are.  You are the Galactic in human form.  You are all things.  You are the God in human form.  You are the Angel in human form.  You are the Master in human form.  You are the Healer in human form.  You are the Mystic in human form.  You are the Leader in human form.  All parts, all aspects of those are within you.  And it makes this human experience the adventure of lifetimes when you begin to integrate those.  That is where you are at right now.  And it’s so exciting.  


We will leave you now to process and to integrate all that we have shared.  And we know that we will be talking with you so very soon and we remind you that we are always with each of you sending you messages.  Lining up synchronicities.  Guiding you on the path.  You are so divinely guided right now and always.  We will leave you now.  In love and light we serve.  We are one.  

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