Podcast #26: Founding Leaders of New Earth (Part 4/6)

This is YOU as the Creator bringing your creations into this higher vibrational space.  And it will be here for generations to come.  You are the Pioneers.  And it might not feel like it right now because you still have one leg in a very dense, in a very dense heavy emotional world right now.  And so you still feel much of that.  But there is a part of you that is beginning to feel the lightness of the new. And the lightness of these more beautiful, incredible energies. 

Part 4 of the Founding Leader series begins to play in our imagination with the possibilities and potentials we will be creating within New Earth.  The guidance also introduces us to the concept of New Earth communities, which I believe many listening will be involved in creating.

If you missed Part 1, 2, or 3, here is a bit about the Founding Leader series and how it began.

Last year as I was accessing visions for New Earth, the words “Founding Leaders” kept coming up.  Similar to Founding Fathers, this was “Founding Leaders of New Earth.  It wasn’t from an egoic perspective.  In fact, all of humanity is actually a founding leader of New Earth.  

About 6 months ago, I felt very inspired to channel this audio series.  They were shared with a few close friends knowing that when the time was right, they would be shared with more people.  

NOW is that time and we are being invited to step into our role as Founding Leaders of New Earth (all of us) and then begin unlocking our piece of the puzzle in creating the new world.  (check out podcast #22 to go through that activation).  We all hold a piece, a code, many codes, of New Earth.  So these 6 Founding Leader podcasts are a bit of a calibration.  And then I believe we’ll start going deeper into the magic of New Earth right after.

The energy is certainly building in these messages.  Enjoy!

With so much love.  xx

Let’s begin and lets share messages with today.  And we sense with all of you a rising up. We sense with all of you beginning to release the density. Beginning to release those old feelings that no longer serve.  We sense an excitement within your group.  We sense a desire for more.  A desire to want to go deeper.  A desire to want to begin to talk about this vision and to feel this vision and to begin to see yourself in this vision. But first you had to begin to release some of the old lack and the limitation and that will be ongoing. You will find that as you go deeper into yourself, that you will release more and more and more.  And as you begin to release more and more of what might be referred to as the small self.  You begin to make room for what might be called the Higher Self, the larger Self, your True Self. The bigger self.  


And as you begin to release the judgment, which is such an integral part of this.  As you begin to release your outer judgment of the world and your inner judgment of yourself. As you begin to release the judgment you are opening up your vessel for more and more and more of your True Self to come through. That is the path that you are on and as you begin to embody your True Self you begin walking this world quite differently.  Everything begins to fall into place. You begin truly walking your mission every step. It is an incredible incredible time. You are being invited to go deeper and deeper and deeper to raise higher and higher and higher through this journey.  To raise your frequency.  To raise your vibration.  Let all of the old go. This is still a very important energetic time right now that we are in where you can begin to let all of the old go. There is an old cycle that is closing.  A chapter closing if you will as you are beginning to embrace an all-new phase, an all new cycle of your life.  This is a very very powerful time for that.  So surrender. Open yourself up and surrender to all that you came here to do.  And all that you came here to be.  


In this last week of your linear time much has come into your awareness.  In fact, much is hitting all of your awareness’s.  You are beginning to feel an expansion.  And with that expansion your perspective is beginning to broaden and you’re beginning to see yourself, your role in a different way.  You are beginning to sense the expansion of even this project and what you thought it was and what you are now beginning to realize is that it is so much bigger.  You have had desires for teaching.  You have had desires for healing.  You have had desires for leaders.  You have had desires for new paradigms for education. New paradigms for companies.  New paradigms for leaders.  New paradigms for your political world.  You are beginning to think about all of that and you are beginning to see and feel higher visions for all of that.  You are also beginning to sense a new way of living.  We have mentioned to you before, as you begin to raise your consciousness, as you begin to lift yourself up out of the 3rd dimensional level of consciousness, you are raising, you are beginning to raise and you are swimming in this 5th dimensional level of consciousness and as you begin to do that your perspective changes and you are lifting out of the lack and the limitation.  You are beginning to lift and swim in these vibrations where there is joy. Where there is love.  Where you know you have everything that you need exactly when you need it because you are tied to Universal supply.  You are tied to Universal healing.  You are tied to perfect relationships.  You are tied to abundance and prosperity. You begin to see things much differently.  As you are swimming in those vibrations you begin to see how so much that is a part of your world no longer resonates and it’s not going to live on in these higher vibrational spaces that all of humanity is beginning to ascend toward.  And so what are you creating?  What is the biggest vision for what you are doing?  And we will say that there are many pieces to this.  And it’s going to get even bigger. As you expand, your vision is going to expand even more.  We will say that what you are creating is much bigger than the retreats.  It is much bigger than the church concept that you have thought about.  It is much bigger than the training.  It is much bigger than even the healing.  It is much bigger than the sound technology.  It is much bigger than all of that.  You are beginning to create a new community.  It is a community that includes all of that and so much more.  But what we would invite you to be thinking about is that you are creating new paradigms for the way that humanity lives in this higher dimensional space.  You are creating new paradigms for the way that you live.  


And that includes many many things. It does include hybrid models, if you will, of what you have already seen.  Of course!  But many of your 3rd dimensional creations were created out of fear, out of control, out of lack, out of limitation, out of ego, out of greed, out of profits.  None of that, none of that goes on in the 5th dimensional state of consciousness and awareness.  None of that!  So when we talk about beginning to create a new way of living, a new way of being, it is very important that you realize we can’t take the old where you’re going.  And what you’re beginning to create within.  


You can’t put a fancy dress on the old ideas anymore. You can’t do that here. And so what will be coming through each of you is these higher visions.  What would a new community even begin to look like?  You’re getting pieces of it.  You’re already beginning to get pieces of it.  You sense new versions, higher perspectives, of what a church experience might look like. You’re feeling that. You’re beginning to feel a higher perspective on what training might look like.  On what this might look like for leaders.  You’re beginning to feel a higher perspective on what this might look like for our work and within companies or organizations and what that might look like. You’re beginning to feel how this can transform our healing and our bodies.  And you’re also beginning to feel what this might look like for education.  There is so much that is changing and so what you are doing is you are beginning to open up to these higher visions of what that might look like.  And you will be blending all of that into a community of living. Of a new way of living and a new way of being. And it will be a model.  And it will be a model that will serve for generations to come. And you’re not alone in creating this.  You have a team.  A team, an unseen team, that is working behind the scenes.  That is helping you.  That has orchestrated all of it.  That has orchestrated it because it was a part of your Soul’s desires.  Because it was a part of our Divine Plan.  And perhaps you might not be able to see all of it down the road and that is perfect. Just feel the bigness of it.  Feel the excitement of it.  Feel the newness of it.  This is the Heaven on Earth that you are creating and it will look nothing like it does right now.  So a part of what you are doing is consciously beginning to tune into these higher visions.  Not just trying to dress up the old, the old ideas.  That’s not the role that you are playing now. The new, the bigger ideas, are coming through you.  And your team, your team in the unseen, is also helping you.  There is so much more that will be coming through to support your efforts.  To support what you are dong.  So much more. 


There will be new technologies that are coming your way.  There will be new ideas coming your way.  Who do these ideas come from?  They are coming from higher versions of you and many others.  We will tell you this is not your first rodeo.  Our friends, this is not your first rodeo.  You have been at this for quite some time.  You have been at this for quite some time.  You have experiences.  You have skills. You have talents far beyond what you even could fathom in a human life experience.  Skills that you have not even known about in a human experience.  You, aspects of you, have experienced all of that.  You are beginning to merge with all of those aspects of you.  You have considerable help and support throughout this process. You are taking taking all of your collective experiences, past present and future, if you were to look at them in a linear way, you are taking all of those collectively plus so much more guidance, and you are beginning to weave that into you.  How do you do that?  The more that you embody your soul.  The more that you embody your God Spark within you.  That is where all of this lives.  As you begin to embody more of that, you are merging with all aspects of you.  All experiences that you have had you are beginning to pull and draw from all of that.  Yes, we know this is quite a bit for your brain to figure out but if you can just feel into the bigness of this and know that you are not alone.  And that you have so many more skills and talents that you are beginning to just get a glimpse of, that you will be pulling into all of this as you begin to create all of the new.  


You know what you want to create.  There is a part of you that knows exactly what you want to create and what you wanted to bring in and birth into this New Earth experience.  Your brain doesn’t have to figure it out.  And it won’t figure it out. Because your brain is drawing from its 3rd dimensional experiences and this is far bigger.  This is far bigger than that.  And so there is a point of surrendering.  You can begin to let your imagination play. Yes you will receive ideas in your imagination.  Yes you will receive ideas in your dream state.  Much of it is happening in your sleep state already.  We will tell you the orchestration is done.  The orchestration is done.  Now you are letting it all unfold.  This is the fun and exciting part.  


This is YOU as the Creator bringing your creations into this higher vibrational space.  And it will be here for generations to come.  You are the Pioneers.  And it might not feel like it right now because you still have one leg in a very dense, in a very dense heavy emotional world right now.  And so you still feel much of that.  But there is a part of you that is beginning to feel the lightness of the new. And the lightness of these, more beautiful, incredible energies.  That is what you are creating in. That is what you are creating for.  And so yes, you will be inspiring others along your journey.  You will be healing others along your journey.  You will be creating much along this journey.  You’ll be putting infrastructures in place.  You’ll be putting all new in place.  You are creating an all-new way to live.  And so all that you have been thinking about, it is a piece of this.  But we want you to go even higher.  And begin to think about your New Earth community that you are beginning to build and you are beginning to create and you are brining to life and it will be coming through you.  


All of the ideas, all of the resources, everything that you will be needing for this project – this mission – it will come through you.  Again we would remind you not to try to figure it out.  The orchestration is done.  It is now simply unfolding.  Don’t get time bound. Don’t be watching the clock.  Don’t be watching the calendar waiting for it all to unfold.  It is happening now.  It is already unfolding now.  So what we would invite you to do is to get so very excited about your life and about what is here for you now.  Just feel the bigness of that.  This is what you came here for.  You came here to pioneer the all new.  To create in this New Earth space and you knew you had so many experiences of your past, of your future, of all aspects of you, that you could draw from.  And all of that together, this collective that you have, you will all be working together to create this all new.  And there are so many others that are a part of your team and that orchestration is also in place. It’s so much bigger and it’s so very exciting.  So whenever you feel that you are bogged down by the heaviness of the world that you have one foot in still, just in your mind flip the switch, and begin to think of the Heaven that you are creating.  Begin to think about your much higher mission and that all that you have experienced is a part of this.  


You knew exactly what it was going to be like.  But you wouldn’t have missed the opportunity to transmute all of these lower denser energies and to bring in these higher energies- love, joy, happiness, prosperity, and abundance, infinite health and well-being – you couldn’t wait to bring all of that in here.  Into this New Earth space.  The Heaven on Earth, it’s coming through you.  Your soul already knows. It already knows what its doing.  Where it wants to go. And how it’s getting you there.  So just surrender to that. And enjoy this incredible ride that you are on right now.  Let go of the judgment.  Just enjoy. Just stay present to what is happening. There is no time frame.  Don’t even begin to think about how soon…when…we have to rush. None of that is needed or necessary.  You will begin to move away from the confines of time as you begin to embody more and more and more of the 5th dimensional energy, this 5th dimensional state of awareness.  You will begin to move away from time.  And you will also find as you do that that you begin to move away from all from the limitation.  And as you actually begin to move away from linear time, you’re going to find that actually everything begins to almost speed up a bit and things begin to manifest in your life almost instantly, if not instantly.  Everything begins to change.  And it becomes so fun and so exciting.  There is so much more coming for you.  


There are so many more messages.  But for now we would invite you to ground all of this in.  To play in your imagination.  To just let all of this sink into your body, into your vessel, into the cells of your body.  Let all of this be grounded into you today.  


We feel you.  We see you.  We see your excitement and we know where all of this is going and it is so incredible.  It is so incredible. We will leave you now, our friends.  In love and light we serve.  We are one.  

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