Podcast #24: Founding Leaders of New Earth (Part 2/6)

There is so much divine orchestration happening on your behalf behind the scenes that your personality self would never be able to see or know.  It just doesn’t have that viewpoint of your life.  And so it’s about beginning to surrender to that much bigger plan in order to step into truly the highest potential.  And what you’re going to step into are skills and talents and abilities that will come so easily to you that you never even knew were possible.  And some of which you never even knew were possible in a life experience.  Some might even call that a bit super human. 

Part 2 of the Founding Leader series continues on with calibrating and harmonizing us as we begin to see and feel a bigger picture unfolding.

If you missed Part 1, here is a bit about the Founding Leader series and how it began.

Last year as I was accessing visions for New Earth, the words “Founding Leaders” kept coming up.  Similar to Founding Fathers, this was “Founding Leaders of New Earth.  It wasn’t from an egoic perspective.  In fact, all of humanity is actually a founding leader of New Earth.  

About 6 months ago, I felt very inspired to channel this audio series.  They were shared with a few close friends knowing that when the time was right, they would be shared with more people.  

It feels like NOW is that time and we are being invited to step into our role as Founding Leaders of New Earth (all of us) and then begin unlocking our piece of the puzzle in creating the new world.  (check out podcast #22 to go through that activation).  We all hold a piece, a code, many codes, of New Earth.  So the next 6 Founding Leader podcasts are a bit of a calibration.  And then I believe we’ll start going deeper into the magic of New Earth right after.

And if feels relevant to share that since this podcast was initially recorded 6 months ago, I have personally started experiencing these radical new skills and talents that were mentioned.  In my own experience, the talents have come in the form of new ways of healing and activations (like the activation that came through in Podcast 22) and directing my energy (like the Temple of Golden light manifestation).  These are talents that I never dreamed I would be doing.  I don’t even know how I know them.  Yet they have all come online so easily and effortlessly.

A new level of human potential is opening up for us and we’ll be using those gifts and talents to create and live in New Earth.

I hope you enjoy this message.  There’s much more to come in our  journey.

With so much love.  xx

Let’s begin and lets share messages for you today and today we are going to share with you a bit about the ego personality self.  And we want to set the tone that you chose to come into this life experience and you chose your personality self.  You chose the family that you wanted to be a part of.  You chose the generational lineage that you wanted to be a part of.  You have all of these experiences that you wanted to be a part of because that was going to contribute to your Soul’s expansions and what you came here to do.  You knew exactly the programs that you would be exposed to.  You knew exactly the limitations within those programs or the beliefs that would be a part of your lineage.  All of that is what makes up your personality self.  Some might also refer to that as the ego.  And so that is a wonderful companion and it has been your companion throughout this journey.  But it is not your TRUE SELF.  


Your TRUE SELF is that God Spark.  It is your Soul.  It is that higher part of you. And so much of the journey that you are on right now is beginning to really discern the difference between the two.  And you begin to realize that much of the personality self, which is why we talk about the mind vs. the heart.  Much of what is in the mind is what houses the lack and the limitation and the programs and the old limiting beliefs that have been picked up along the way.  And so when we talk about beginning to let the ego, the personality self, step to the side while this higher part of you begins to lead the way, that’s what we’re talking about.  Because this personality self, this ego, is the part of you that has the limitations. That has the limiting beliefs.  The limiting potential of what is possible for your life.  But it also has a lot of control over what happens in your life.  And so again a big part of this is beginning to observe when you are coming at a situation from your ego or personality self or when it might be coming from that higher part of you.  Your True Self.  Some might call that your Higher Self.  Or your Soul.  


In order to play BIG in this life experience.  Your personality self wants to play very big in this life experience but the motivations behind it wanting to play really big in this life are very different.  Your Soul wants to play very big in this life experience and its motivations for wanting to do so are very different.  So much of this, in order to play as big as you can, to step into your highest potential, is beginning to let go of that ego/personality self.  It doesn’t mean that it’s entirely going to go.  It means letting it slowly fall to the side. It means slowly taking its hands off the wheels so this higher part of you can begin to guide the way.  Because if you truly want to play as big as you came here to play it’s going to require letting that personality self, letting that ego, step back to the side.  So that you can really step into all that you came here to be and all that you came here to do.  


There is no figuring out of this because it is far more than what the brain can even comprehend.  So there is a surrender to this.  There is a surrender to letting this part of you begin to lead the way to where you are going and to your highest potential.  


If you were to see or hear or know your highest potential in this lifetime, it would likely throw your mind into a whirlwind and you would try to figure out how you’re going to make all of that happen.  And what happens when you try to do that?  You immediately create resistance.  Your personality self, with its limited ways, with its limited viewpoint, with its limiting beliefs, then tries to figure it out and it can’t.  It can’t figure this out.  Because it is so much bigger.  There is so much divine orchestration happening on your behalf behind the scenes that your personality self would never be able to see or know.  It just doesn’t have that viewpoint of your life.  And so it’s about beginning to surrender to that much bigger plan in order to step into truly the highest potential.  And what you’re going to step into are skills and talents and ability that will come so easily to you that you never even knew were possible.  And some of which you never even knew were possible in a life experience.  Some might even call that a bit super human.  And it’s a pretty amazing amazing journey that you are on.  


We will simply tell you everything that you wish to be, everything you wish to have, it is all inside of you.  And that part of you is growing and growing and growing and expanding even more each day.  The moment that you begin to surrender that personality self, that ego self, often referred to as the small self, when you begin to surrender and just consciously place that part of you to the side, let it take a step back, so this higher part of you can take a step forward, you’re going to find that everything begins to fall into place so quickly, so effortlessly.  It’s going to be so much fun and you’re going to feel this incredible adventure unfolding in your life.  

We will leave you now.  And we remind you of how important it is that you begin to tune into the messages and the guidance that is coming through you each and every day.  We love you so much and we are so excited about this journey that you are on. 


In love and light we serve.  We are one.  

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